

AP09261258 Hybrid power system modeling to create a renewable energy roadmap for Kazakhstan with high spatial, temporal and technical disaggregation.
Overall information
  • Project funding provider: Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Principal investigator: Zhakiev Nurkhat
  • Implementation period: 2021 - 2023
  • To develop an integrated hybrid modeling tool of the energy system, which includes a long-term planning model of the energy system and an operational model of the electric power system
  • To develop Roadmap of RE deployment 2030, which corresponds to optimal performance parameters, ensuring reliability, economic feasibility and environmental friendliness of the energy system
  • Update of the long-term energy system model
  • Creation of an operational power model with high spatial, temporal, technical disaggregation
  • Linking of modeling tools
  • Development of a renewable energy roadmap for Kazakhstan
  • Sensitivity analysis and uncertainties estimation
Expected results
  • Modeling tool with high quality input data
  • Scenario analyses
  • The roadmap for renewable energy in Kazakhstan with data on the optimal geographical location, construction time and investments, taking into account the renewable energy potential and energy demand of the region


Project banner
Hybrid power system modeling to create a renewable energy roadmap for Kazakhstan
Feasibility Analysis on Renewable Energy Power Plant Development in Kazakhstan


Year Article Journal
1 2021 S. Zhakiyeva, M. Gabbassov, Y. Akhmetbekov, G. Akybayeva and N. Zhakiyev, "The Development of a Risk Assessment Modeling for the Power System of Kazakhstan," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SIST50301.2021.9465892 Scopus
2 2022 Amanbek Y., Kalakova A., Zhakiyeva S., Korhan K., Zhakiyev N., Fridrich D. "Distribution-LMP based Transactive Energy Management in Distribution Systems with Smart Prosumers - A Multi-Agent Approach" WoS, Scopus-Q1
3 B. Sarsembayev, D. Zholtayev, and Ton Duc Do, Maximum Power Tracking of Variable-Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems based on a Near-Optimal Servomechanism Control System // Optimal Control Applications and Methods   WoS, Q2
4 A. Zhanbolatov, S. Zhakiyeva, N. Zhakiyev, K. Kayisli (2022) "Blockchain-Based Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Negawatt Trading in Demand-Side Flexibility Driven Transactive Energy System" International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER), 12(3), 1475-1483. doi:10.20508/ijrer.v12i3.13195.g8530 Scopus percentile 58, Q2
5 B. Sarsembayev, N. Zhakiyev, A. Akhmetbayev and K. Kayisli, "Servomechanism based Optimal Control System Design for Maximum Power Extraction from WECS with PMSG," 2022 10th International Conference on Smart Grid icSmartGrid
6 A. Zhanbolatov, N. Zhakiyev, S. Zhakiyeva, K. Kayisli, B.Azibek, T.Dushayeva. “A Multi-carrier Energy Method for Self-Consumption Enhancement in Residential Buildings " 11th ICRERA
7 G.Abdi, N.Zhakiyev, and S.Toilybayeva "Decarbonization Opportunities and Emerging Carbon Pricing Instruments in Central Asia" Chapter in Springer's eBook
8 2023 Aidyn Bakdolotov, Rocco De Miglio, Nurkhat Zhakiyev. Optimization modelling of the decarbonization scenario of the total energy system of Kazakhstan until 2060 Energies


Map of electric power stations

Meet the team

Team member 1

Zhakiev Nurkhat Kuandykovich

PhD in Physics

Principal investigator. He is involved in computer modeling of energy systems, forecasting industrial greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change mitigation analytics. The main topic of his research is mathematical and computer modeling of physical processes, methods of optimization and matrix algebra, modeling in the GAMS environment. h-index=4, https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56043145000

Team member 2

Bayandy Sarsembayev

Received the specialist qualification in Railway Automation and Control following with Candidate (PhD) Degree in Technical Sciences in Transport Operation from the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications, Almaty, Kazakhstan, in 2000 and 2005 respectively. He gained the M.Sc. degree in Systems and Control Engineering from City University of London, London, U.K., in 2015. He earned Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Electronics Research, Brunel University London, U.K. in February, 2023.

Team member 3

Yerbol Akhmetov

Received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in electrical and electronic engineering at Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, in 2017 and 2019, respectively. He is currently pursuing research as a researcher in Department of Science and Innovation at Astana IT University (Astana, Kazakhstan) and in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Nazarbayev University (Astana, Kazakhstan). His research interests are frequency response analysis of transformers, transformer modeling, insulator diagnosis using computer vision and machine learning, analog circuit design, power transmission and energy modeling.

Team member 4

Alexandr Ten

Alexandr Ten gained Master of Engineering degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada in 2021 under the “Bolashak” program. He earned Bachelor degree in Automation and Control, Karaganda State Technical University, Karagandy, Kazakhstan in 2008.

Team member 5

Aidyn Bakdolotov

Aidyn Bakdolotov is a MSc in Nuclear Engineering (Purdue University, USA, 2013). He is an experienced energy sector modelling expert with research interests in energy policy, climate change and economic development of Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region. During his professional career, he worked in many different areas such as power industry (combined power plant at Almaty CHP-2), academia (Nazarbayev University), think tanks such as Economic Research Institute and Zhasyl Damu. He participated in many projects related to mitigation issues of the region, including preparation of nationally determined contributions (NDC), National communications, Biennial reports, Low carbon decarbonization strategy and pathways and many others. In these projects, he mainly took part in analysis, modelling and preparation of the scenarios of energy, climate policies with focus on GHG emissions, energy intensity of GDP, energy efficiency improvements and many others issues. In economic modelling he participated in research related to income, taxes, budget and many other macroeconomic parameters. Currently, he works as the Director of Climate change Center at the Economic research institute. He took direct part in the development of the Strategy of achievement of carbon neutrality of Kazakhstan till 2060 year. He has publications in national and international journals.

Team member 6

Bekzhan Mukatov

Mr. Bekzhan Mukatov has 14 years of experience in managing of power systems, improving, and creating new automated control systems for Kazakhstan power system. Mr. Mukatov was Managing Director for National Electric Grid Development and System Services at KEGOC JSC focusing on planning the development of the national electrical grid and the energy system of Kazakhstan as a whole. Interacted with the Central Asia and Russian power systems on export-import of electricity issues, provision of system services, and transit of electricity. Participated in the development of long-term forecast balances of electricity and capacity, in the formation and launch of the capacity market, on relations with Central Asian and Russia power systems, improvement and development of legislation on renewable energy sources.


Partner 1


Partner 2


Partner 3


Partner 4


Partner 4

Technical University of Berlin

Partner 4

Edinburgh University

Partner 4

Gazi University

Partner 4

University of Pisa